A New Jersey State fishing license is required for all freshwater fishing (ages 16 through 69) in the Monmouth County Park System and a trout stamp is also required when fishing for trout. A state fishing license can be purchased at any local fishing supply/bait shop. For more information about freshwater fishing licenses in New Jersey, click here.   Fishing licenses are NOT available for purchase at the Manasquan Reservoir.

Please remember that all saltwater anglers (age 16 & up) in New Jersey need to register or re-register with the state's free saltwater fishing online registry.

NJ Trout Fishing Information    

Park Type of
Fishing Location Type of Fish
Bayshore Waterfront Park,
Port Monmouth
Bay Pier, wade or cast from shore Striped bass, fluke, flounder, weakfish, bluefish
Big Brook Park, Marlboro  Pond   Cast from shore or dock  Bluegills, Largemouth Bass Brown, Bullhead Catfish
Crosswicks Creek Greenway,
Upper Freehold *
Creek Cast from shore Catfish, shad
Fisherman's Cove,
Coastal River Cast form shore or boat Striped bass, fluke, flounder, weakfish, bluefish
Hartshorne Woods Park,
Coastal River Pier Striped bass, fluke, flounder
Henry Hudson Trail, Highlands – Popamora Point BayCast from ShoreStriped bass, fluke, flounder, weakfish, bluefish
Historic Walnford, Upper FreeholdCreekCast from shoreCarp, catfish, pickerel, large mouth bass, sunnies & freshwater eels.
Holmdel Park, Holmdel Pond Cast from shore Trout, largemouth bass, catfish, panfish
Manasquan Reservoir,
Reservoir Cast from shore or boat Large and small-mouth bass, hybrid striped bass, tiger muskie, bullhead catfish, panfish
Manasquan River Greenway **
River Cast from shore Trout
Perrineville Lake Park, Millstone Lake Cast from shore or boat Bass, catfish, panfish, pickerel
Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park,
Long Branch
Ocean Cast from shore or jetties Striped bass, weakfish, fluke, bluefish
Shark River Park, Neptune Pond & River Cast from shore Pond has bluegills & sunnies. River has trout.
Thompson Park, Lincroft Lake Cast from shore or boat Bass, bluegills, perch
Turkey Swamp Park, Freehold Lake Cast from shore or boat Bass, catfish, crappie, bluegill
* (Park at Route 537 bridge near Holmes Mill Rd)
** (Parking at Havens Bridge Rd., West Farms Rd., Southard Ave., Ketchum Ave., Howell)

Did you know? According to wideopenspaces.com, angling can improve the condition of your heart, body and mind. Some of the health benefits of fishing include improving muscle dexterity through reeling and casting; absorbing fresh and a Vitamin D while you're outside; and relaxing your mind by unplugging from our high-stress world.